Local Time
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Date: Nov 03 2020 - Nov 17 2020
- Time: 17:00 - 21:00
Easy PMP Exam Prep Batch 61
7 sessions online training that covers 10 knowledge areas of project management, project management process group with exercises after each session and 4-hour simulation to get familiar with the exam and continue with online mentoring session to guide participants in preparing the exam.
Easy PMP online training will use zoom platform with 4 hours per session. The participant will get soft copy module, printed full-colour module, PMP book exam preparation, PMP Quick Reference, and unlimited access to online simulation with more than 1500 practice questions.
Sessions Agenda: 4 – 5 November, 10 – 12 November, 17 – 18 November 2020
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