About Certification

We realize that many people have years of project management experiences, regardless of title. Our certification courses are designed for those project managers who can prove their experience according to the project management body of knowledge, and who wish to develop the knowledge necessary to undertake the globally respected certifications.


You need to hard work in preparing your examination in order to pass it on your first try. But don't worry, because we are here to support you to reach your goal. Every participants of Avenew Exam Preparation class will get several benefits, such as:

Full Color Module

Our training materials are printed in full color book that will enhance learning and improve comprehension. Not only printed module, you will also get module soft-copy to support your study plan

Micro Learning Project Management

To enhance the probability to pass the examination, it is recommended to self learn. We provide micro learning in project management on our YouTube Channel Avekademi.

Unlimited Access Online Simulation

FREE unlimited access Exam Simulator with more than 1500 questions

Exam Preparation Book

Our Exam Preparation books are based on PMBOK Guide 6th edition and New Examination Content Outline 2021 with more than 600 practice questions with explanations of answers, diagnostic tests and other study guides. Either you enroll Easy PMP exam prep, or FUNtastics CAPM exam prep, or PMI-RMP Pass Thru, our exam preparation books will help you to get familiar with PMI perspective and practice the questions.

Quick Reference

Our Quick Reference will help you to study covering important parts of PMBOK® 6th Edition.

Participant Kit

All participants will get:

  • Agenda book + pen
  • Exclusive Avenew Polo Shirt
  • Bag
  • Certificate of attendance
  • 2 coffee breaks + 1 meal each day
  • Free discussion via WA group

Funstastics CAPM Exam Prep

This course is designed for those who intend to undertake and pass the CAPM® Exam, to demonstrate that they meet the knowledge components of the qualification as outlined by the Project Management Institute. This includes understanding the fundamental knowledge, processes and terminology of project management.

PMI-ACP Exam Prep

This two-day course provides participants with a solid foundation of the PMI-ACP® exam. Participants earning this certification demonstrate their knowledge of and commitment to this rapidly growing approach to project management.

Excellent Scrum Master

Excellent Scrum Master is a 2-day course that covers the principles and (empirical) process theory underpinning the Scrum framework, and the role of the Scrum Master in it

Easy PMP Exam Prep

In this course, you will find out what is the components of your project management background will be tested so you know where to focus your attention during the weeks of preparation. You will become familiar with the exam format. You will also get an opportunity to explore and discuss the rationale behind answers with your PMP® certified instructor.

PMI-SP Exam Prep

This course advances the knowledge and experience in developing, managing and maintaining project schedules and ensures that you acquire the skill to drive improved management of project schedules and is designed to help you pass the PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® exam, by giving you the knowledge and exam techniques needed to fulfil the PMI’s criteria for the award of their prestigious PMI-SP® certification.

PMI-RMP Pass Thru Exam Prep

PMI-RMP® is suited to those who assess and identify project risks, along with making plans to mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities. PMI-RMP® Exam Preparation Course is designed to improve your chances of passing PMI-RMP® exam on your first attempt.

Prince2 Exam Preparation

The experienced facilitator with broad practical experience with the PRINCE2 methodology provides supervision and prepares you for the PRINCE2 Foundation examination, which is held in English.<br>You take this examination on the last day of course. We are renowned for having a very high pass rate for the PRINCE2 Foundation examination.

Our course series are divided into several phases to enhance the skills by step and align with the current level. You can choose whatever series that are suitable for you.

Basic Skills

Project management is an art and science. It can’t be mastered with book knowledge alone but requires real–world practice and skills.Learn More »

Intermediate Skills

As project manager with years of experiences, we need to advance our technical skills as well as our interpersonal skills that are required to manage project successfully.Learn More »

Advance Skills

Experienced project managers need advanced skills to execute business strategy effectively. Our advance courses were designed to meet the needs of these experienced professionals.Learn More »


As project manager, being internationally recognized is a must. Certification is one of way to prove your skills


Project Managers touch many elements of systems and software development projects, so they need a variety of tools for success.Learn More »

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